December 5th, 2024

Why Do I Hate Marketing …

Because Most Marketing SUCKS!

FWIW I don’t actually hate marketing per se, BUT I do hate what’s presented as “marketing” sometimes, especially in the Information Marketing world, the Blogosphere, the Digital and Direct Marketing space … and on and on.

Let’s start at the beginning … “You must find a niche.” or “You must identify your ‘ideal client’.” or other such blather. Sure I’d agree that if you’re responsible for coming up with marketing messages or offers you probably want to aim them at an audience, but that’s such a small piece of what “marketing” is all about.

Another thing I hate about “marketing” is when someone places the emphasis on making money, instead of “creating customers” (as the late, great Peter Drucker claimed was the fundamental purpose of a business).

Most of all I hate marketing as it’s often presented on the Internet because it gives business a bad name, and I love business as a solution creating machine that’s done more to improve the quality of human life than any other institution on earth!

Well we’re really at the starting point now … i.e.:

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“I love business (and business folk)” 

In fact there are lots of people I know who love businesses and business folk. Heck some of the most well known and beloved personalities have been and are business folk … like Steve Jobs, Richard Brandson or Elon Musk.

There are others that no one thinks of as business folk first and foremost, but they are like Buckminster Fuller (a personal favorite personality of mine BTW) and Walt Disney, Steven Spielberg and just about every major entertainer or artist who’s name you know … like the big “O” – Oprah Winfrey.

These folks are business people, doing business, coming up with ways to create and serve their customers, and making money … sometimes millions or billions … in the process.

One of things I most like to do is work with business folks to become more effective at what they do, especially in terms of their personal/professional performance and as leaders (truth be told  I hold a special place for helping people become better leaders in their lives, in their businesses, in the classroom, in small teams … whatever and wherever, because I think good leaders make things happen that otherwise wouldn’t and great leaders change the world).

But … when many people think about business they are actually thinking about bad marketing.

They’re not responding to business or business folk, but to marketing efforts that promote ME over YOU. It’s made us all cynical, suspicious buyers who will reject a decent, valuable offer before we even consider it when we perceive the markers of “marketing” attached to it.


Well because we’ve probably all had the experience of being ripped off … a little bit or a lot.

We can probably live with the loss of money, but the lost of faith and face can be overwhelming, and that we can’t and won’t tolerate.

Yet we all seem to want things in our lives … from “stuff” that we use every day, like toothpaste and shampoo, or “special stuff” like a prized blouse, jacket or pair of shoes maybe … to special experiences, a fabulous vacation/holiday somewhere exotic or a special dinner out with someone we love. It could even be a simple thing, like a fresh ripe peach or a movie to relax with at the end of the day.

Each of these things comes to us via a business that produces, presents and/or delivers them. Also, all the services we want are largely delivered to us by a business of some kind … the professional medical or dental practice is a business, just like the massage therapist or hair stylist you might use.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this and what it means about “society” as we know it and think about it.

Once again I’ll return to Peter Drucker’s view of business. He used to say that he was a business scholar, because he was interested in people and the social structures we engage in, and that business was at the heart of many of our interactions with one another. I think he was absolutely right too.

I want to build a great business that delivers extraordinary results to my customers … it’s that simple why I love business.

I could also say that I want to express myself in relation to others in a way that allows me to manifest what I think of as some of my unique interests, talents and maybe even my unique gifts … and business is a space where I can do that.

BUT, I hate that you hate marketing. I get it … but I hate it. 

You see I have something I really do want to share with you, my services, and I need to let you know about it to do that.

When I reach out to let you know about what I’m up to, and make an offer to allow me to serve you, I hate the unconscious resistance I know is there for some of you … regardless of how much the offer might be a match and fit for you.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get past all that … for me and for the folks I work with who also have some great stuff to market, but deal with the same resistance.

So I’m changing tact … looking for a new wind, so to speak.

Here’s the simple scoop …

I’m setting up an Unconventional Advice “No Membership” Private Access program that will offer a complete suite of offerings at absolutely no cost or fees of any kind.

I’ll be writing articles, doing podcasts, putting e-books online and of course doing some new videos too.

Part of the Unconventional Advice “No Membership” Private Access program will be that we’re going to be cutting up the programs I’ve delivered and recorded for sale, and putting up the “best of the best” highlights as well.

Of course I’ll still have stuff for sale, products, programs and services … and I’d love you to become a customer of mine, but in the meantime I want to share with you some of the best stuff I have with no obligation other than to have the privilege of communicating about the stuff I’m interested in with you.

Coming soon …

Unconventional Advice “No Membership” Private Access

I’d love to hear your thoughts … leave me a comment below!


Joseph Riggio, Ph.D.

New Hope, PA

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