Organizational Training Design & Delivery …
Full Scale Training Design Capabilities:
Since 1995 we have been designing bespoke training for multi-national corporate clients, and by the end of the 1990s we were responsible for having developed complete curriculums for in-house corporate universities … spanning the gamut from management development, to complete sales training for all levels of professionals and support staff in the organization, to senior executive leadership and board level development.
Today we continue to work with clients internationally to develop both bespoke and semi-custom training, ranging from single programs to complete multi-year training curriculums, including full corporate university offerings.
Experiential Training Design:
Our expertise begins with needs analysis based on determining Key Performance Indicators and valid ways of measuring Training ROI. Then with our clients be determine the best approach to training design based on the best practices of adult learning, but always with an emphasis on experiential learning design.
Our focus is on developing skills that translate into applied expertise in the individuals we design training for regardless of the agreed upon learning outcomes. We also seek to develop programs that encourage and build the foundation for long-term continual self-directed professional development.
Program Materials Development:
Once we have agreed upon a training design, we work with our clients to develop the required materials to support the implementation throughout the organization either at a single level of delivery or multiple levels of delivery based upon the specific client organization needs. Depending on the materials requirements we may agree to take on the creation and production in-house, or we will oversee the development of the materials using best in class outsourced resources.
Program Training Delivery & Post Program Support:
If the training program/s to be delivered are within the scope of our expertise we will also contract to deliver the training at a single site or internationally at many sites, and also develop local language translations using only our our international world-class training consultants.
When the training programs have been successfully delivered we can also work with you to provide post-training review and de-briefing, including things such as follow up in-house training exercises to be used by client training staff or line management to reinforce the training delivery provided by us.