New Games and New Code …
Survival and Prosperity in the New World Order
I’ve struggled with writing this post for more than a few days now.
Let me begin at the beginning and sharing why this has been a difficult post for me to write.
I hate the idea of being a harbinger of doom, and this is not going to be that, but there are some folks who might read it that way anyway because of their existing mindset. So the compromise I’ve decided to make is to let you know up front that this won’t be my regular cheery, inspiring type post, but something more serious and deeper.
If you are prone to being easily pulled to a negative mindset you might want to stop reading here and delete this particular post. What I want to share in it will be disturbing for some to read, especially if they are not prepared to hear some inconvenient truths and deal with them before time runs out on them. Sorry to be so blunt, but the prime directive of my philosophy is truly “First Do No Harm – To One’s Self.”
Okay now that we have that out of the way and you’ve decided to step beyond reasonable caution and my warning about what might be perceived as disturbing news I’ll get to it with you …
I assume if you’re a regular reader you know that I am a U.S. citizen and reside in the United States. However, I by no means consider myself any less of a citizen of the planet than an American citizen, because anyone who’s thinking clearly realizes that no one can afford to ignore the interconnectedness of the planet on a global level.
I’ll leave the pure science to the scientists (physical, biological and social), but you are probably aware of the news that circulates about things like:
- global warming (fact not fiction, only the cause is in debate)
- recent significant sun spot activity (the most extreme in recent times)
- the dire state of our oceans (depleted fishing stocks, coral reef die off, pollution on a scale that’s visible from space …)
- the issue with our energy sources that will likely continue to exacerbate (oil reserves are dwindling, new sources of oil have consequences that we need to seriously consider, e.g.: fracking shale and the chemical pollution, running pipelines across virgin wilderness, oil spills in the oceans and seas …, nuclear power and the containment and waste issues …)
- political and economic unrest circulating around the planet (the rising tensions on the mid-East … Israel/Iran, Libya, Syria …, the economic fallout in the E.U. … Greece’s imminent default, Spain and Italy on the verge of serious economic tailspins …)
I could point to more but I’m sure you get the point … i.e.: there’s serious stuff happening. This is not news BTW … there’s always serious stuff happening. The news is that it’s happening on a global scale that’s largely unprecedented in modern times in a world that is inextricably interconnected in a way that has never before been present to my knowledge.
Becoming An Enlightened World Citizen:
This makes it urgent that we all become Enlightened World Citizens. I mean that we commit ourselves to pulling ours heads up out of the sand, waking up and smelling the proverbial coffee regarding the state of the planet, including but not limited to the state of the various societies in which we reside.
The opposite of being an Enlightened World Citizen is believing that “the government” will take care of it … or that there are others more qualified to address the serious issues we are confronting than we are … this is just an artifact of the manipulation of all governments in the modern era, but give me a moment more to explain.
Sometime recently, let’s just say sometime post World War II as a common demarcation point, there has been a shift from governments that hold an obligation to serving the people to governments that serve themselves, i.e.: the people in and running the world government bodies. We’ve seen a worldwide crisis in the political domain to governments declaring that their top priority is the continuation of government (and we can assume that means the folks who are now running it and their direct supporters) and not the fate of the common people that are by default the nation these governments represent. This is in fact a declaration of class warfare, establishing a privileged class of those who hold senior government roles and those who support them, i.e.: big money backers, and the rest of us.
Please make no mistake about this … I do not intend you to read my last sentence above as hyperbole, i.e.: that our governments are declaring a de-facto class warfare on the common citizen, but instead as a statement of obvious fact based on evidence that can be tracked.
Governmental Class Warfare:
For example, here in the United States we saw an abominable piece of legislation passed as a National Health Care Bill putting into law forced purchasing of health care from privately held insurance companies under the duress of fines to be executed by the Internal Revenue Service. This is horrific legislation in my opinion and in the opinion of many clear thinking social and political scholars. The supporters are decrying that it was the best they could do, but better than nothing. I say we’d be better off with nothing, but I’ll leave that be for now.
Let me just address one specific aspect of that bill. As an accommodation to those who are in government, i.e.: the folks who wrote and passed the National Health Care legislation, they are above this law. Pubic “servants”, e.g.: congress men and women, senators and of course the President and his family, will keep their government provided (read: paid for by the people) health care policies, which are A) unavailable to the common citizen and B) superior to just about any privately provided insurance policy that an individual can purchase barring all considerations of cost. This is a de-facto statement of a declaration of a privileged class by my reading of the evidence. As an American citizen I find this to be offensive legislation, and doubly so when it’s sold to the public as serving the underserved.
I can point out more … e.g.: the recent legislation here in the U.S. that makes the time honored laws around haebeus corpus null and void. If you question my veracity of this claim here is a direct quote from the ACLU:
“The Senate voted 38-60 to reject an important amendment [that] would have removed harmful provisions authorizing the U.S. military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians, including American citizens, anywhere in the world… We’re disappointed that, despite robust opposition to the harmful detention legislation from virtually the entire national security leadership of the government, the Senate said ‘no’ to the Udall amendment and ‘yes’ to indefinite detention without charge or trial.”¹
If you understand constitutional law in an even cursory way, or care at all about civil liberties as a citizen, this is a terrifying indication of things to come. Habeus corpus is a fundamental point in any conversation about “the rule of law’ that is so often cited by fans of big government initiative. The right of habeus corpus was established in English Common Law in 1679 in the Habeus Corpos Act, and has remained a central tenant of the rule of law in terms of protecting the rights of the citizenry against undue government aggression. Yet here we are after more than three hundred years of accepting this as a fundamental right of law granted to the citizens for protection against their government taking unjust action against them with the repeal of this law virtually overnight.
Maybe the more significant question here is whether this legislation to suspend habeus corpus is even constitutional. This is important to you regardless of where you are reading this from, what your national origin of citizenry is, or in which country you reside. It is not only an issue of U.S. law, but of an indication of the kind of changes to common law that are being worked into systems around the world … often in the guise of national security, national sovereignty or national prosperity. This last, national prosperity, is possibly the most worrying.
In Greece recently we’ve seen an entire population held hostage not even by their own government, but by the actions of an external body who has demanded austerity measures placed on the people of that nation that serve the external actors far more than they serve the people of Greece. If Greece defaults on it’s economic obligations today there is little doubt that the country as a whole would suffer severe economic retribution from it’s lenders. However, this begs the question, “Which is worse, a single default with the repercussions that will entail on a road back to economic stability, or the on-going deprivations of an entire nation to keep feeding the economic masters they come to depend upon?”
Along with our international allies, here in the U.S. we are becoming ever more subject to the dubious imposition of “international law” that our government, specifically the Presidential Administration, seems ever more willing to allow to usurp of rights as a sovereign nation. We are engaged in war acts on behalf of an international request without the due sanctioning of those acts by Congress, who by U.S. Constitutional law hold the sole right to declare and engage in war acts. The only exception to this is direct and imminent threat to the nation of the United States and/or the land itself.
According to United States constitutional law the President can only act with urgency to secure the national interests of the United States, and then still must go to Congress to authorize any continuation of the war acts. Our current President, Barack Obama, has declared himself above this constitutional imperative, denying even the questions posed to him to address this issue. This is evident by example in the recent action taken in Libya by U.S. armed forces, first in the bombing raid and then in terms of supplying ground support. His excuse was that there was an international request for U.S. action, and he complied, without feeling any need to honor constitutional law it seems.
This, as they say, is just the tip of the iceberg. While many of my examples above are based on actions occurring here in the U.S., they are typical of the kinds of actions governments are enacting around the world as I write this post. The point of these examples are to provide the impetus to recognize that you must become responsible for your own sovereignty first and foremost.
The Challenge of Sovereignty:
Now here’s the major concept I want to introduce …
It’s largely impossible to remain “sovereign” as an individual in today’s political and economic climate … you can only seek to remain aware and move with the flow of the actions you are subject to, unless and until there is a major revisioning of the structure of both national and international laws and significant political reform.
For what it’s worth, I think this will happen … very probably within the lifetime of most of the folks who are likely to be reading this post.
However, unless and until this kind of reform happens you have only yourself to turn to, along with those who share a like-minded view and are savvy enough to be preparing themselves to act as and when necessary.
Once again, let me be clear as to what I mean by the statement above.
I am not suggesting stockpiling food and water.
I am not suggesting that you arm yourself and stockpile weapons and ammunition.
I am not suggesting that you conspire to revolt or rise against the government with violence.
These are the acts of fear that I would specifically suggest you avoid and shun. At best actions of this kind are a bandaid on a grievous wound should they become necessary, i.e.: to protect ourselves against a government gone haywire that seeks to harm it’s own citizens, or a major economic or environmental catastrophe.
I am suggesting that you become informed, and to stay informed.
I am suggesting that you develop and hone the skills to notice what I call “the signals in the system.”
I am suggesting that you let go of your false beliefs of security based on the way the world was fifty or more years ago.
I am suggesting that you build a kind of internal “rapid response system” that will allow you to respond to the events that unfold around you in real time (and not after the fact when it’s too late to do what you need to for yourself and those you care about and love).
I am suggesting that your primary tool of survival is your mind in times like these, and you must prioritize it’s care and feeding so to speak.
I am suggesting that you do whatever it takes to develop razor-honed senses that allow you to react prudently despite the crisis or chaos that emerges around you.
Now I admit I’m a bit biased, but I deeply and truly believe that preparing for what’s coming by trying to build a stockpile of any kind of material resources BEFORE you build the mental resources that will serve you in crisis and chaos is downright foolish and possibly suicidal.
I had the privilege of beginning this path of formally learning how to be mentally prepared to deal with whatever life and the world threw my way from the tender age of 15 or so. I could go into detail, but that would detract from the essential message I want to be sharing here. Suffice it to say that I’ve had teachers who were real life experts in survival in circumstances of crisis and chaos, including real life and death scenarios, and that I took their lessons to heart.
What I learned from these folks is that becoming mentally agile and nimble is the single best form of security in times that are uncertain. If nothing else I would expect you would agree with me that we live in uncertain times. What these folks paid attention to were using the signals in the system to project where the system was moving before it arrived at where it is headed.
Playing the “New Game” Using the “New Code”:
Today I meet many people who are playing the game as it was defined fifty or more years ago, and missing the big picture that the game has changed. Let me state that categorically, this is NOT the game your parents and grandparents played … it’s not changing, it has already changed … and woe to you if you fail to catch up and smell the metaphorical coffee that’s burning on the stove as you’re reading this now. You’ve got to catch up and learn how to properly interpret the signals in the system based on the “new code” that is present today, and not apply the code you learned growing up, or the code constantly being misrepresented in the popular media today.
The “old code” worked for a long time, i.e.: become part of the system … study hard, do well in school, get a good job, keep your nose to the grindstone … and you would largely be rewarded commensurately with your contribution. This no longer holds true. In fact this is the most blatant form of misinformation and propaganda that you could possibly be subjected to in the current system, i.e.: “education is the great equalizer” … BULLSHIT! Education is absolutely NO GUARANTEE that you will succeed or even survive … just ask the thousands of college graduates out of work and laboring under unbelievable debt from student loans.
However, your government, big business, the wealthy upper-class in all societies internationally, the popular media lapdogs … all will try to persuade you of this “evident” truth, e.g.: Mitt Romney, a current front-runner in the U.S. primaries for the selection of the Republican Presidential candidate, recently told a student who questioned him in a rally to select a school that doesn’t cost too much that would provide a good education, and “not to expect the U.S. government to forgive student loans.” This is both atrocious and frightening behavior from a super-wealthy politician who hopes to become President of the United States. I can assure you this is NOT the advice he’s given to his children. His children are more likely than not to attend one of the most privileged schools in the United States, make contacts there that will secure them entry into the most select opportunities for the rest of their lives, and carry with them the calling card that opens doors only having an elite education can do for you in the United States.
As I said, make no mistake about this … we are engaged in class warfare … and the only “real” weapon you have is your mind.
How-To Survive, Succeed and Prosper In the “New Game” Using “New Code”:
Okay … so what can you do?
First of all you can acknowledge and recognize that this is indeed a new game we are all playing.
Next, you can acknowledge and recognize that they old rules no longer apply.
Third you can begin to learn the “new code” I’ve referred to above.
And, most importantly you can begin to build and develop the mental tools you’ll need to play this new game using the new code effectively.
I’ll leave steps one and two above to you, with a single caveat … you’d be a fool to trust the popular media for your news. This includes any widely distributed newspaper, periodical, radio or television news programming. There are no sources that fall under these categories I’ve just mentioned that are exempt. Tuning into many of these sources, making a concerted effort to tune into those news sources that hold seemingly conflicting views is a start if you’re not prepared to go further, however this will NOT keep you informed in the way I’m suggesting in this post.
Understand this … the major news media is a business enterprise, and as such it’s primary obligation is to make money NOT to report the news or provide world-class journalistic objectivity or coverage. To get beyond the surface level that the major media news sources are committed to maintaining, including all the misinformation and propaganda, you would have to go to much more selective sources, and that is beyond the scope of this posting to provide. The best recommendation I can quickly give you however is this, A) find independent resources and speciality resources (e.g.: scientific journals, academic journals …) and B) cross check their reporting to gain a wider view of the stories you are following, and become selective in where you place your attention … most reporting is entertainment and designed to deflect your attention from the real stories that matter. You can only build this skill with commitment and time.
If you’re willing to make the commitment and devote the time to gathering and absorbing the real news you will become far more discerning about local and world affairs, and my points 1 and 2 above will be taken care of, however you cannot skip this step and expect to succeed in steps 3 and 4.
In order to discuss how to learn the new code I’m referring to I need to take a minute and define what I mean by the new code.
The new code is a reference I’m using regarding the rules of engagement in the new game we are currently playing globally. The best way for me to get to the new game is to point out some of the old games (there are more than I’m going to point to here).
Old Games:
Game A:
There was a game called, “The church/temple/mosque, state, government … will take care of you.” this game is still prevalent in some parts of the world, and present in virtually all parts of the world to some degree or another, i.e.: some portion of the population is still playing this game. The markers of this game are … “Just be good, do all that is required and requested of you and the rest will take care of itself.” The people who play this game are hoping for the kind of stability and security that the senior players, i.e.: priests, rabbis, imams, monk … president, prime minister, dictator … whatever, promise them. Ultimately the people who play this game become fodder for the feeding of the people they serve.
Game B:
There is another game called, “If you have enough and take care of your self you’ll be okay.” this is a game of material acquisition. It is very prevalent today in many parts of the world. In fact this is still probably the most prevalent game begin played today, even by most of the folks who live at or near the top of the heap, and virtually everyone in the middle who isn’t playing the game above. The markers for this game is the belief in the idea that, “He who has the most toys wins.” or “You have to look out for yourself because no one else is looking out for you.” … and the idea that you can have enough to keep you secure, safe and sovereign despite the obvious evidence to the contrary. This game will continue to be popular and played, even giving those who succeed best at it some illusion of the security, safety and sovereignty they seek, however all the evidence is in that it is only a matter of time until you can’t have enough to be protected.
Game C:
A third game is called,“If you are part of the right group you too can share in the wealth and privilege that is rightfully yours.” this is a game that has gained popularity among folks living in the most prosperous nations of the world, who themselves come from a position of prosperity (largely the result of those who played or are playing the game above). This is the most dangerous game on the planet in my opinion. It’s dangerous in many ways.
First of all the people who play it often believe it is “the game” that should be played by everyone, so they seek to bring everyone into their game … willingly or not.
Secondly, they think they are playing a game that has equal rules for everyone playing it, while they ignore all those who are not playing and can’t or won’t, and the significant stratification to resources even among those who are playing.
Third, and most significantly, this is the game that the top politicians and their cronies are playing at around the world and the others playing at it support them in achieving the lifestyles and privilege I’ve been bemoaning in this entire posting.
The markers for this game include, “You can play with us if you agree to join us and use our rules … but of course we respect your right not to play, we just won’t share any of our resources with you and will persecute you for being different.” What makes this so scary is that the folks who play this particular game really believe in the game they are playing, and that it’s only right everyone should be playing this game with them.
New Games (and the New Code they use):
Now there are two new code games I want to present for your consideration:
New Game 1:
This game is called, “I’m free to do what I want, when I want and where I want … as long as I don’t get caught by the system.” this game is the outgrowth of a jet-setting lifestyle popularized by those playing Game C above. The folks who play this game believe they can remain just outside of any system that seeks to contain them, using multiple sets of rules as suits them to achieve the freedom and liberty they most desire. A couple of the markers of this game are, “I’m a world citizen and don’t feel confined by or obligated to any one nation or system on the planet.” and “The formal systems on the planet are so f@#ked up that the only way to survive is to find a way to be beyond their reach.” Following these rules the players of this game seek to remain unencumbered by any single system, but to benefit from as many of the systems they encounter as they can. To some extent the players of the first new code game are first and foremost game players who seek to win the game even if it means sacrificing a hand or two depending on the cards their dealt in this round. An advantage of this game is that they players are good at inventing new ways to win and leaving others alone, while they pursue their own satisfaction. A major disadvantage of this game is that it does little to nothing to contribute to the common good, and in fact saps the resources of the system-at-large serving only the individual who is playing.
New Game 2:
This game is called, “I’m sick and tired and I’m not going to take it anymore … join up or be left behind!” and it’s a game that is gaining serious popularity and adherents among the children of the common folk who are playing games B and C above. The markers of this game include, “You’ve left me a world that is dying and depleted, and you expect me to sit by passively, while you continue to suck up the resources of the world and f@#k it up for the rest of us!” These are largely young, ambitious and angry youth who want to live the promise of a different future than games A, B or C suggest to them. They are willing to move from complaining to taking action, including stepping away from the old rules and old code of the old games. When their momentum builds enough they are quite willing and able to take the reigns from the current stock of world leaders and reset the system. The only real questions in my mind are:
will they have enough time to do it
will there be enough left to build a new future from when they are in control, and
what damage will happen between now and then as the transition to New Game 2 is unfolding?
So the new code I’m referring to is reflected in the attitudes of the people who are playing the new games (1 & 2 above). Some of the distinctions of people who are playing the new games using new code are that:
they are self-responsible – not leaving it to others to determine their fate
they are globally, socially, economically, politically and environmentally aware
they are activists – even if it is only in their own self-interest, they are innovative and committed to inventing new solutions to the situations they encounter instead of depending on old formulas, dictums and paradigms
While we could extend this list that should give you a good idea about what I mean by the “new code.”
Learning the New Games and the New Code:
Frankly learning the new games and the new code isn’t going to be for everyone. Just a posting like this is enough for many people to get them running back to the old game they’ve been playing, going back to sleep and accepting the pablum they’re being fed that passes for news, driving their head under the sand and hoping this is all just another “Chicken Little Chant” claiming that the sky is falling.
Only the folks who are ready to become Enlightened World Citizens are likely to sit up and take notice of a posting like this, in fact I expect I’ll be getting equal numbers of hate mail and praise mail once I’ve published this post. I look forward to both because it’s all data in the system and grist to the mill of my mind as I continue to hone my “new code” skills.
Here are some of my recommendations for you if you’ve decided that what I’m proposing is interesting and you’d like to know more, or take the next steps forward.
If you are over the age of seventy :
- stay alert and do what you can to pick up on the signals in the system
- be prepared to hunker down and secure what you have, largely by becoming “grey” … don’t stand out
- do what you can to preserve and secure what wealth you have
- if you don’t yet have any security funds of your own start setting some aside as the dole may dry up (think in terms of hard, liquid, moveable assets for at least part of this funding)
- build networks of contacts you can count on and to the extent you’re able who can count on you … include those who are older and need your help if possible, as well as those who are younger and you can reach out to in times of need or crisis (this may be your most important lifeline if things really hit the fan)
- begin becoming a consumer of world news, including non-traditional resources in your data feed (the Internet can be a great source of these resources, but you have to be discerning about the quality of the data you’re receiving)
- make a concerted effort to build multiple nest eggs … DO NOT PUT ALL YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET! (use access to international funding to build resources in more than one jurisdiction legally so if something critical hits one of the places where you are invested you can resort to your other holdings)
- consider your hard assets and liquid assets as perishable and create a plan of action regarding what you will do if they are devalued in some significant way (your best resource is your ability to create new wealth on the fly, if you don’t yet have a way to do this consider getting the knowledge and/or skills you need to prosper in hard times, e.g.: manual craft skills will always be necessary and in demand, basic life survival knowledge and skills will always be in demand as well)
- if you don’t yet have them invest in learning real “human skills” – including high quality communication and decision-making skills (even in the worst of times these can’t be taken from you and will most definitely serve you – two recommendations in this arena are Paul Eckman’s “Telling Lies” and “Leadership and Self-Deception” by The Arbinger Group)
- depending on where you see yourself on your career trajectory make the most of it, or find a way to ease yourself out of it with as many good contacts in place as possible (this is likely to be the moment in your life where you have the most substantial and well developed professional contacts you will ever have, deepening those that are valuable to you is worth your time and effort, do this by becoming a valuable contact yourself)
- make a significant commitment to becoming an astute and diligent consumer of information – commit to reading multiple sources of news, both popular and alternative, also subscribe to a leading journal in science, social sciences/economics/foreign policy and at least one from your personal field of professional focus
- build a deep nest egg, and then diversify your investments – use multiple forms of investment, and don’t be afraid to include some risky investments in the mix with a high potential for strong and aggressive growth, also include some hard assets – especially those that are liquid and mobile
- commit to developing exquisite skills, both professional/expert and general human skills (e.g.: communication/decision-making) – you need to invest in developing yourself at least as much if not more than your portfolio, these are the most permanent resources you can develop – despite changes that occur in the world around you these are yours to keep, being skillful in human interaction will be seen more and more as an expert skill that has high value in the future as it’s unfolding (NOTE: don’t be misled by the current emphasis on science and technology, while these skills will remain important they will become more and more commonplace to possess, while real expertise in the general human skills will be less available and more highly valued)
- this is the moment to be developing your life skills and contacts aggressively – this translates into doing things, lots of things … build multiple experiences and get as wide a variety of exposure as you can, specifically don’t get lost in a single space, e.g.: a “lifetime” position, because it won’t exist for you when you need it most
- become financially astute, but don’t worry about creating your fortune – Henry Ford is famous for saying that he didn’t save a nickel until he was forty, he invested all his money in himself and his business until then … a man ahead of his time, but you do want to learn about the way money works and how the financial marketplace and the economy will and do effect you … study the patterns of movement of money to build a facility to notice the patterns as they are emerging and then move onto developing a sense for predicting where the markets are heading
- develop a “sixth sense” for people, learn who to stay close to and whom to avoid – you have a unique window of opportunity to develop your people skills in a way that will become unavailable to you as you grow older, this is akin to the window of opportunity to learn a new language with greater facility at particular points in your development than others, as we approach full adulthood and maturity we are naturally organized to reset our patterns of personal interaction in a way that becomes more fixed as we get older, take advantage of this window by engaging in as much productive human contact as possible – and find opportunities to get high quality input from others who can help you establish good patterns as soon as possible
Joseph Riggio, Ph.D.
¹Senate Rejects Amendment Banning Indefinite Detention (