profound impact &
extraordinary wealth

To the rest of the world, you’re in a class of your own…
Revered as a business magnate and an industry icon.
Your will alone moves markets and shapes industries.
Your actions have impacted the lives of millions.
And you know you’re capable of so much more…
But there’s an invisible force holding you back.
So insidiously subtle and universally engrained that most never even realize it’s there…
A mask made from decades of societal conditioning, limiting beliefs, and external expectations.
That causes even the most gifted to unknowingly stifle staggering wealth and boundless potential in defense of ideals that were NEVER TRULY THEIRS.
But when you take off this mask?…
You return to your purest form and reveal the legendary YOU that lies beneath.
Unleashing boundless abundance, unrivaled power, and absolute freedom.
“The Great Unmasking: Reclaim Your True Identity and Unleash Your Extraordinary Potential”

From the moment you came into this world…
You were a blank slate — boundless, and full of spotless potential.
Unconditioned… untarnished…unencumbered…
Void of external voices…
Free from conditions or limits…
Your mind brimming with brave and beautiful vision
Your heart beating with deep and wild wonder
You see, all of us are born utterly divine…
Only a chosen few are able to fully realize it.
This is your calling as a high achiever… your birthright.
Your exclusive invitation to unmask your mind and uncover your might
So you can return to your primordial power and preeminence…
Commanding stratospheric wealth and untethered freedom in a
world that bends to your will and catalyzes your wildest dreams.
I give you full permission to behold your brilliance.

My name is
For over two decades now, I’ve single-handedly led a revolution to unmask the dormant potential of the most extraordinary people on the planet.
I work privately with the most outwardly successful to help them unmask, become free, and actualize their deepest, most potent dreams. My clients go on to create extraordinary relationships, raise remarkable children, build hugely successful businesses, and do great work in the world.
They truly become masters of their lives, and so can you…
You can embark on this unforgettable journey, where you will:



- How your decisions ripple through your life, shaping your reality in ways you never imagined.
- Why the very traits that drove your success might now be holding you back from your true potential.
- How to tap into the resonant field of your identity, unleashing creativity and influence beyond anything you've experienced before.
Watch the Latest Masterclass Online
With Dr. Joseph Riggio
I will be showing you exactly how I and other extraordinary leaders have unmasked so you can uncover your latent potential and legendary impact that extends to every life you touch.

Your Host:
Dr. Joseph Riggio is single-handedly leading a revolution to unmask the latent potential behind the most extraordinary high-achievers on the planet.
He works privately with some of the most outwardly successful to help them unmask, become free, and actualize their deepest, most potent dreams. Dr. Joseph’s clients go on to create extraordinary relationships, raise remarkable children, build hugely successful businesses, and do great work in the world. They truly become masters of their lives.
In an effort to help his clients attain this mastery in every facet of their lives, Dr, Joseph has curated a complete ecosystem for bespoke personal development and experiential transformation, consisting of Unmasking, Epicurea, and MythoSelf.
Unmasking offers more intensive and focused personal development experiences, whereas Epicurea provides the ultimate blend of opulent travel and personal growth. Carefully woven into the heart of each of these brands is his signature MythoSelf® Methodology, which harnesses neuro-narratology as a potent catalyst for change.
Whether as a sought-after speaker at events and conferences across the globe, a chosen advisor for the world’s most celebrated high achievers, or as the innovative icon behind the most exclusive, expansive, and frankly epic travel experiences available, for over 30 years now, Dr. Joseph Riggio has been single-handedly changing the face of the personal development industry.
High-achievers like you are
unmasking their potential:

“Joseph is a phenomenon. Being in the room with him elicits a palpable charge of excitement from his audience. I have taken several seminars with this man, and can honestly say that he has shown me a structure for how to better move through life. When one starts from the premise that anything is possible, it is easy to see how to live optimally, and to make decisions that productively impact ones business, personal life as well as general emotional state. Check him out for yourself, and tell me if I’m wrong. I dare ya!”

Tried and tested over 30+ years of working with elite
humans, I have proven time and again, that
The very things you have been working so hard
Are the very things that’ll make you
Stronger. Wealthier. Healthier. Happier. And MORE Successful.
So I give you permission here and now to remove your mask
And reveal the truly pristine and extraordinary human within
Whose rough edges are akin to the facets of a diamond
Priceless in their perfection…
And incomparable in their worth.
So step beyond the beliefs of others and into the
boundlessness of you.
It’s time, my friend.
Will you keep yourself contained?…
Or will you set yourself free?